
My dear Friend Paco Dispacio took his time to exchange with me his vast knowledge of buttons silversmithing and blacksmithing for help with his projects around his farm in Southern Oregon. Since then I’ve found my own tools and means to create jewelry for myself and friends. I’ve never made multiples of any of my rings, just exquisite one of a kind/one offs. I could see making a few reproductions perhaps down the road. I do get inquiries about the rings and necklaces regularly, but I haven’t been producing as much as I would like. Also, sadly, I don’t have photos of all the work I’ve done.

Silversmithing is only part of the mediums I use for my jewelry. I often use fossils, antlers and bones for the works. There’s a technique called scrimshaw I like to use. It’s an old technique where you carve/engrave into the smoothened surface of a bone, tusk, or antler and then ink the engraved lines. The final touch is to wipe away the ink and reveal the image. You can incorporate that into a necklace, ring or bracelet.

Here are a few examples of my work.

One of Paco working. Those are a few Bolos we worked on together


Sewing and Tailoring

